We are raising a smartphone generation that loves to explore virtual life more than anything else. Making an impressive Internet reputation and managing digital footprints are very much important for our children. Teenage online reputation can make or break kids’ virtual lives.
While these youngsters know how to use the latest apps and techs online, they actually don’t realize why it is so crucial to curate a positive and healthy online reputation. The so-called teenage media is always in search of effective ways to maintain grand virtual status.
So, here we share smart ways to maintain and protect teenagers’ online reputation.
Parenting Tips To Support Teenage Online Reputation Management
These days parents bother a lot about what their children and teens are posting online. Before exploring ways to manage teenage online reputation let’s first see why good online status is essential?
What Are The Risks Of Poorly Managed Online Life?
Parenting teens and tweens in today’s virtual world are complicated. Their overlooked digital lives can invite many threats.
Casual Social Media Attitude Can Defame Real-life Actions
Teen’s habit of posting every minute details on various social media platforms may harm their real-life achievements.
- We all know the negative effects of social media on youngsters, but unfortunately, kids do not understand it and keep posting various information about them on these platforms.
- “Feeling lost, needing a partner to enjoy life”, “I can not handle hectic work schedules and need vacation frequently”- such posts of teens may look cool on social media platforms but there are many side effects of it.
- One day or the other your teen will apply somewhere or search for any kind of work. Many hiring companies perform total background checks of the candidates, especially their social media accounts.
- Also, many firms have routine online check-ups that elaborately scans every post and every online move of the employee to understand what kind of person they are.
- Explain to your teens that they need to learn mindful posting.
- Also, restrict their social media apps’ usage. You can take the help of the Bit Guardian Parental Control – a child monitoring app that limits kids’ extensive app usage.
- It also works as a screen time control tool that restrains kids’ excessive screen time.
Parenting Tip:
- As parents, you need to anchor your kids’ real-life with his favorite hobbies and activities, this will reduce his social media cravings. You can keep kids engaged with various productive activities that can offer lifelong learning.
- Make your kids webwise with a few safe online guidelines. Establish a few safety rules that he has to follow wherever he enjoys social media platforms.
Mismanaged Online Life Of Teens Can Affect Their Digital Prestige
In this digitally driven era, we all are just a tap away from each other’s information. When kids’ carelessly share anything and everything it may impact their real-life badly.
- Teens are curious about the online world and they hastily tap on every detail that they find interesting.
- But some dubious platforms may collect personal information just by tapping on a particular link and can further use it to bully or to harass kids.
- Also, such platforms may insert bugs while tapping on it, that can further track kids’ online moves. Such con artists are potent enough to harm kids’ digital fame through various scams.
- The first lesson of digitally secure reputation is never clicking on any dubious links.
- Parents should explain to kids that clicking with caution is a key to safe digital exposure with an impeccable reputation.
Parenting Tip:
- Be your child’s active digital partner. This way you can rest assured that he visits a safe place.
- Educate your child about safe internet practices.
Careless Teenage Online Life Invites Potent Cybercrimes
The unguarded online life of a teenager and his careless attitude- are the robust factors that can create digital drama and spoiled online image.
- Many online predators are eagerly waiting for careless teens or the gullible kid that can help them perform cybercrimes.
- Teenagers need to be aware whenever they react to any online thread. Once something said or posted nothing goes away from the platform.
- Many online predators, hackers, bullies, and frauds are ready to plot teens with various tricks.
- Also, many online-dating platforms, friendship apps, and adult web platforms are risky for young kids.
- Thinking twice before reacting to a post, not sharing anything that may directly or indirectly reveal any personal data, blocking suspicious accounts, etc can avoid any digital crime.
- Also, following some general safety measures like- not to talk to a stranger, identifying and preventing fake profiles, keeping everything password-protected, etc can maintain long happy digital prestige.
Parenting Tip:
- Be a role model and follow everything that you wish your children should do to be safe.
- Explain to kids about cybercrimes and how dangerous it can be. “A stranger is a danger”, “no video-calling or encrypted chats with so-called online friends” – are examples of a few pieces of advice every parent must give to a kid.
Manage your teenagers’ online life with constant monitoring and gentle care. Mindful digital actions can ensure a safe and fulfilling online life.