Seeing the latest Zoom Bombing incidents, parents are concerned about kids’ online safety. Recently, there are many cases of increased cybercrime events and globally, various print and digital media are publishing articles on tips to keep kids safe online.
So, this news shares an informative guideline to keep kids safe online.
What Threatens Kids’ Safety On Digital Platforms?
Before finding out effective ways to ensure kids’ safety, we first need to explore the virtual world and its darker side that adversely affects our children.
Dubious Links
Many web-platforms and apps share third-party links. While at first sight, these links look like a safe way to connect users to another platform, it is actually very harmful.
Sometimes, while playing a game or surfing something online kids may accidentally tap on a link that connects them to the third-party platform. These links are malicious and hackers use it to plot cyber scams.
In-Appropriate Apps
Not all apps are child-friendly. And you can not tell any app’s content just by its name and logo. There are many in-appropriate apps that can risk kids’ online safety.
Apart from that, many apps use adult language and hate-driven content that is not suitable for kids for Instance, Fortnite and Roblox. These gaming platforms use too much violence and the open chat section is full of inappropriate adult language.
Increasing Ratio Of Cyber Scams
Another reason parents feel worried about is the increasing ratio of cyber scams. Kids are at higher risk as they spend hours using various devices. The more they stay active online, the more they are prone to get conned by any online predator.
Also, globally, kids’ screen time has increased massively in the last few months of lockdown. That also adds to the increased cyber scam ratio.
Why Are Parents Increasingly Using Parental Control Apps?
Using a smart parental control app is a new trend in the parenting world. A parental control app safeguards kids’ online life and its dedicated features empower parents to monitor kids’ virtual activities.
One such reliable parental control app is Bit Guardian Parental Control. It enables parents to limit, restrict, and protect kids’ online life. Parents can block all inappropriate apps and games. It allows only child-friendly apps and age-appropriate games on your kids’ device.
What Are The Red Flags Of Technology?
The Internet and smartphones are very useful to stay connected to friends and family. There are many educational sites and platforms that can enhance kids’ knowledge. But it has its darker side also.
- Many websites use third-party links and viruses to trap the user.
- Online predators can plot kids if they find any personal information shared on social media.
- Hackers con kids through various web-platforms.
- Various apps use in-app purchases and other marketing gimmicks to trap users.
Keeping children safe online is difficult but not impossible. Parents should stay alert and use smart child safety measures.