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Know What Your Kids Can Do Online| Online Dangers for Kids

Online dangers for kids

Do you have any idea of the potentially dangerous things your kids can do online? Or do you know about online dangers that can affect you or your children?

Well, it doesn’t really matter much if you know but if you do not have even the slightest of the idea, then you should not miss out on this piece of write up.

We have embraced digitization like anything and needless to say that our children as well are becoming tech-savvy. For paying our bills, we prefer tapping a button on our smartphones rather than going and standing in a queue for hours. There are endless examples that describe the way the internet and the smartphones have altered our lives.

Below are some points mentioned that can land you or your child both in soup. To know what your children can do online and find themselves in trouble, continue reading.

1. Shopping

The craze of online shopping is exponentially rising among teenagers and even young children. They love each step involved in online shopping. From selecting the article to payments to tracking their order and then finally receiving them at home. 

The digitization we are living with is aiming at involving local organizations and communities to be online sellers. This is good but it is also an online danger. The cases of fraudsters or fraud shopping websites are surging each day. 

Shopping from unknown sources or clicking on a random URL for payment might extract out your money to benefit the hacker or a cyber criminal. It is important that you restrict your children from accessing unknown or unauthenticated shopping apps or websites.  

2. Adding strangers on social media handles

Social media is a fathomless place and you surely cannot penetrate deep into the reality of your internet friend. It is difficult for the adults to figure out if the person they are adding on their social media is genuine or not so what can we expect out of innocent kids? 

They can add any random person for more likes or comments or just for the sake of becoming friends without knowing the side effects of it. Saying that this is the most common online danger for children will not be wrong. There have been a number of cases where kids were made the target of so many crimes including online bullying, identity theft and more by cyber criminals. Ask your children only to add the people they know personally. Alternatively, you can use a parental control app to protect your child from online dangers.

3. Using a single password

Using the same password anywhere can be really handy for you, your child, as well as for a cybercriminal! Yes, keeping the same password for all your social media or banking or shopping handles can turn out to be a boon for cybercriminals. They can easily decode your password and misuse your personal information. You may suffer potential monetary losses or misuse of personal information.  

Educate yourself and your children not to use a single password everywhere. This is a potential online danger. Also, it is crucial that the password they are using isn’t simply their name or their date of birth or combination of both. Try to create a strong password that has a combination of letters or numbers. 

4. Using public Wi-Fi

Tricking anyone on public Wi-Fi is the easiest task for cyber criminals. If your child is using a public Wi-Fi to access shopping sites or banking websites, then there are high chances that it can fall prey to alluring but bogus links incited by the cyber criminals. Make them understand not to use such websites that can leak their personal or sensitive information to anyone. Even if your children are not accessing such sites, make them understand not to click on just any tempting link or URL if they are using a public Wi-Fi. Also, using a Virtual Private Network(VPN) can play a role in keeping your children safe from online dangers.   

5. Jail-breaking or rooting the smartphone

Jailbreak or rooting might seem a new cool to your teenager or to you. Your child gets no restrictions on the features or services they may get after jail breaking  or rooting their smartphone. Little do they know that with jail-breaking(or rooting), they are also losing robust security features on their smartphone. Such a smartphone is highly prone to malware attack or any other third-party invasion. 

6. Being too social

Social media is something that everyone uses today. For children, sharing the personal information like the city you live or the school your child attends can pose irreplaceable online dangers. Posting pictures without thinking and without managing any privacy settings can affect the identity of your child. 

Online reputation is a thing for these Gen-Z kids and if it’s not in the right place, your child may suffer bullying or other issues in the far future. Make your kids understand the importance of posting after thinking. Teach them how to keep their personal information and photos private. 

Final Words

The above mentioned points are worth ruminating if you wish to keep your children safe from potential online dangers. These are little things that can create a major impact on the overall development and behavior of a child. 

Furthermore, parents should think about utilizing technology and take help from parental control apps so that the primary online dangers can be filtered out before they can reach or impact your child’s well being. 

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