How To

How To Uninstall Bit Guardian Parental Control App?

Do you want to uninstall the app? Learn how to uninstall Bit Guardian Parental Control from both parent and child’s device.

From Child’s Device

Keeping safety concerns in mind, it is almost impossible for kids to uninstall Bit Guardian Parental Control from their device without the parent’s authorization. However, as a parent, you can remove the app from your kid’s phone in a few quick steps.

Step 1: Go to the Kid dashboard.

Kid dashboard screen

Step 2: Tap on the “Menu” button (three dots) at the top right corner of your kid’s device.

Menu of Kids device

Step 3: Now from the drop-down list, tap on Disable Restriction.

click on Disable Restriction

Step 4: Enter the credentials used while registering the account and tap continue.

Enter the credentials

Important Note The restriction will be lifted for 2 minutes only!

Access Granted

Step 5: Go to Phone Settings on your kid’s phone.

Phone Settings screen

Step 6: On the search bar, type Device Administrators and tap on it.

Device Administrators

Note: You can also find the option under the Security menu in Settings.

Step 7: Find Bit Guardian Parental Control and tap on the toggle to deactivate it.

application deactivate

Step 8: Tap on Deactivate at the bottom right corner of the Device administrator screen. Tap OK.

Device administrator screen

Step 9: Device administrators for Bit Guardian Parental Control is successfully disabled.

App successfully disabled

Now you can Uninstall the app. Go to Settings >>> Apps >>> Bit Guardian Parental Control >>> Uninstall.

From Parent’s Device

If you do not wish to use Bit Guardian Parental Control anymore, you can uninstall it anytime from your device’s Settings. To uninstall Bit Guardian Parental Control, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to SETTINGS on your phone.

Parent's Phone Settings

Step 2: Under the settings menu, find “Apps/ Applications”.

Find Apps

Step 3: Scroll down for Bit Guardian Parental Control and tap on it.

Scroll down

Step 4: Tap on Uninstall. A dialog box will appear. Tap OK.

Tap on Uninstall

You have successfully uninstalled the app!

Mimansa Patel
About author

Mimansa is a creative writer who aspires to write anything and everything that adds value to the reader. Reading ,writing and conceptualizing makes her satisfied. When not writing she passionately enjoys travelling ,photography and voice-overing.Directing and producing short films are Mimansa's euphoria!
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