Does your kid use Youtube? Have you applied Youtube Parental Controls in it yet?
Each and every invention in the world comes with its pros and cons. The same is applicable to Youtube. It is a mind-blowing as well as free video sharing platform but it also possesses some risks especially for its young users. These threats may include abusive language, adult content, or anything age-inappropriate. If you want to prevent your kids from watching something they shouldn’t, then it is very important for you to learn to manage Youtube Parental Controls.
First of all, let us briefly learn about Youtube parental controls and their use.
What is Youtube Parental Controls?
It is possible that while you are reading this blog, your kid or someone in your family is watching Youtube in the background. That is how much popular this video-sharing platform is. Although it is a hub of information for children, your kid can also find inappropriate content like Violence, Drugs, Adult videos here. Youtube has acknowledged this risk for its young users and that is why it has provided the option of Youtube Parental Controls to supervise their accounts. The main purpose of these parental controls is to spark the imagination and interest of kids and at the same time provide them a “kid-safe environment”.
Without taking much of your time, I will now tell you how you can put Youtube Parental Controls in your and your children’s devices.
How To Enable Youtube Parental Controls?
You must be getting all sweaty and nervous at the thought of controlling complicated permissions and navigating toggles. But, trust me, enabling Youtube Parental Controls is much simpler than you think.
Follow these simple and quick steps to safeguard your kids from content and videos they are not yet ready to watch.
Sign In
First of all, sign in to your account at the Youtube app or on the Website if you haven’t yet. Youtube will ask you to make an account to customize your homepage as per your preferences. Fill in your details.
Click on your profile
On the top right-hand corner, you will see your account icon in a small circle form. Click on it.
Enable Restricted Mode or Youtube Parental Control
Once you open your account, you will see a small menu. At the extreme bottom of this menu, there lies a Restricted Mode. By default, this will be switched off. You have to toggle it ON.
Verify Approval
Youtube will pop up a message asking you to reconfirm if you really want to activate the restricted mode. This message will also include crisp detail about the restricted mode. It will read
“Restricted Mode can help hide videos with potentially mature content. No filter is 100% accurate, but it should help you avoid most of this type of content. Your Restricted Mode setting will apply to this browser only.”
If you are okay with this message, choose the circle adjacent to “activate restricted mode”. The restricted mode will be turned ON.
Lock Restricted Mode
After enabling restricted mode, you will get another pop-up notification giving you access to lock restricted mode on that particular browser. Click on it to prevent your kid from mending Youtube Parental Controls approved by you.
Save and Log Out
Do not forget to save the changes. Also, log out of your account once your work is done otherwise your extra smart kid may wash away all your efforts by turning off restricted mode again.
That is all! In these quick and easy steps, you can actually get your peace of mind. You can assign your kids Youtube for their education purposes without worrying about them going wild and getting an education they aren’t ready for. All you have to do is enable these parental controls.
Now, let us learn how you can disable these controls.
Disable Parental Controls
You must be thinking why would you need to disable it in the first place. Well, this one comes in handy when you and your kid are sharing the same device. In that case, you may need to disable and enable it consequently.
For disabling Youtube Parental Controls, follow the same procedure as per the above-mentioned steps and toggle the Restricted Mode: Off. The blue icon will turn red. And, that is how you will know that Youtube has converted your account into normal viewing mode.
Although these parental controls are a blessing as it protects your children from most of the inappropriate content, Youtube itself accepts that their algorithm is not perfect. In straight words, they do not assure cent percent protection of your kids from dangerous videos.
Then what is the solution?
Keep an eye while they watch
Best way to keep your kids safe from threats possessed by not only Youtube but the whole internet is to install third parental party parental control apps. Bit Guardian Parental Control, which is a trustworthy parental control app that lets you keep an eye on their overall activity. Using it you can even set appropriate time limits on any particular app like Youtube or the whole device. Not only this, but you can also block any app obviously including Youtube if you find it is unhealthy for your kid.
Final Thoughts
Childhood is a tender period. Most of the kids’ mental and physical development depends on how they have spent this period. My advice would be to not at all ignore the security threats and enable Youtube Parental Controls as well as install a third-party parental control app. These parental controls will give you control when you let your kid feel independent.
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