Do you want your kids to Be Internet Awesome?
This is a digital era. Toddlers as young as six months can be seen holding a smartphone in their tiny fists. Little do they know that there are many unwanted creatures presented online that are waiting for a single opportunity to take their benefit.
To add to parent’s woes, the Internet has become more anonymous than the real world. It has become more difficult than ever to keep track of these little techies’ online activities. At such a tender age, your kid can be stuck in a situation that can affect their well-being mentally and physically. However, Google has heard of parents’ miseries. How?
Recently, Tech giant Google took a legendary step in kids’ safety by launching its Be Internet Awesome program in India.
Read on to know what Be Internet Awesome program is. And of course how to Be Internet Awesome?
What is The Be Internet Awesome program?
This program can be seen as a course one needs to grasp to get digital citizenship and become a vigilant and secure internet user. This program will ensure that your kid is navigating the online hurdles securely with confidence. Google joined hands with the Internet Keep Safe Coalition to create this free digital program. The aim of this program is simple. Google wants to teach children how to make the most of the digital world and make sane decisions. This program includes five fundamentals of online safety, popularly known as the Internet Code of Awesome.
All About The Internet Code of Awesome
There are five fundamentals that are the foundation of the Be Internet Awesome curriculum.
- Smart- Be Internet Smart ( Share content and posts responsibly)
- Alert- Be Internet Alert (Stay away from fake news)
- Strong- Be Internet Strong (Avoid revealing your secrets)
- Kind- Be Internet Kind (Do not underestimate the value of being generous and compassionate)
- Brave- Be Internet Brave( Do not be afraid, stand up for what is right)
Let me give you a brief description.
The foremost step of being digital smart is understanding what to share online and with whom to share. To avoid being in a distasteful situation that can have lasting consequences, it is necessary to be on the lookout from starting. Keep in mind one mantra- “if you are not comfortable saying it, you should not be comfortable posting it.”
Don’t Fall for Fake | Be Internet Alert
All that glitters is not gold. Children should always assess the situation as well as people involved in it sincerely before trusting them.
Secure Your Secrets | Be Internet Strong
To safeguard your devices, privacy as well as reputation, it is very important to keep your private information secure.
It’s Cool To Be Kind | Be Internet Kind
I agree that the online world is a dark place. However, even a single ray of light can illuminate the whole room. Be that sunshine and spread kindness and positivity. Stay away from bullying behavior, take your actions wisely.
When in Doubt, Talk It Out | Be Internet Brave
Children should be comfortable discussing anything and everything with their parents. It is up to the parents to create an environment at home that lets their children talk openly without being afraid of anything.
What’s next?
To carry out this program in a fun way, Google has launched an interactive game named “Interland”.
How To Be Internet Awesome With Google Interland?
Interland is an adventure-packed and at the same time informative online game. It has bright and cutesy features to teach your kids the importance of online safety in a fun and interactive way. In this game, there are four islands namely:-
- Kind Kingdom
- Reality River
- Mindful Mountain
- Tower of Treasure
Each floating island is a different game to teach a particular cyber etiquette. Here, in this game, children will learn how to deal with cyber stalkers, hackers, cyberbullies, and phishers.
Pretty cool, right?
Apart from this, this initiative also includes guidelines for guardians and teachers about online safety.
Although the Be Internet Program has been here since 2017, it recently set foot in India. The 472 million minors in the country were in need of an effective initiative like this for so long. Better late than never, I must say!
Let us see how Google is carrying out the Be Internet Awesome program in India.
Google’s initiative for India
To help kids be Internet awesome and teach them critical digital safety lessons, Google collaborated with popular Indian publisher Amar Chitra Katha. This program targets particularly 7 to 12-year-old kids. However, this is useful for anyone who is digitally active.
The gaming experience ‘Interland’ will also be a part of Amar Chitra Katha’s popular comic series. Keeping in mind the diverse culture of India, Google has customized these digital safety lessons in eight Indian languages including Hindi, Marathi, and Malayalam.
What’s more?
Google has also created two ad films on digital safety. They depict how Google can keep your digital experiences safe while you securely surf the web.
Concluding Thoughts
By introducing the Be Internet Awesome program, Google has taken a major step towards kids’ privacy and safety. Now it is up to you, how you can reinforce these fundamentals at home to help your kid be smart, alert, kind, and brave online. You may not witness the results in a day. It is a long process but it is sustainable. Meanwhile, install Bit Guardian Parental Control in your kids’ devices and monitor their online as well as offline footprints effectively. Remember, there is nothing wrong with being a helicopter parent if it can make your family safe.