Across the globe, people are practicing social distancing to stop spreading the coronavirus. And this situation led us all to more free time with our family members. However, parents are busy working from home. Only kids are free and at home for months. If your kids are tired of watching Disney movies and cartoons, these free apps for kids will keep them entertained.
Also, the lockdown phase sees the massive upsurge in the usage of the mobile Internet. Now is the right time that we should replace kids’ video games and movies with productive apps. The art apps for kids or educational apps for a toddler can rejuvenate the lockdown phase with learnings.
Here we share a list of free apps for kids that can fit all age groups of children. From toddlers to older kids there is something for everyone in this list.
Top 3 Free Apps For Preschool Kids
The below-mentioned apps are the highest rated Preschoolers apps that can increase kids’ productivity in this free time.
This free art app for kids introduces your young ones to the colors and shapes. It offers plenty of interactive games through which preschoolers get introduced to color, forms, and shapes.
- If parents are searching for a more creative app they can opt for The very hungry caterpillar creative play. (This app uses children’s books and kids can create their own virtual drawings as per that book.)
This Android and iOS app is solely dedicated to train young brains. Early childhood is the right age to cultivate the brain with puzzles and questions.
- Kids Brain Trainer offers dozens of games that ignite kids’ neuro cells. Parents can also use this Android app for toddlers. Also, it is beneficial for older children with mental or learning disabilities.
It is one of the most famous free fun apps for kids. The app educates fun facts about animals from all over the world with videos, songs, and activities. Add this app to kids’ productive lockdown schedule to add playfulness with learning.
- Kids can virtually feed and collect more than 160 animals.
- The kid-friendly interface lets kids Collect the ‘Night Time’ card to turn day into night.
- There are no in-app purchases and no Wi-Fi is required to use the app.
3 Best Apps For Early-Elementary Kids
Here we share a list of top 3 free apps for all the early elementary kids.
Break your kid’s lethargy during these home-locked days with an app that engages your child’s mind and body. GoNoodle is an app that makes your kids move with tonnes of videos designed to energize kids.
- It is trusted by teachers & used in 4 out of 5 US public elementary schools to get 14 million kids moving each month.
- Get Pop songs and throwbacks like Dynamite, JUMP, Larger Than Life, and Bye Bye Bye etc.
Do you want to add a playful twist to kids’ lockdown period? Do you want to boost the adventure spirit of kids? Poptropica is the right pick for you. This app sends your kids on a virtual quest. It is based on Jeff Kinney’s book Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
Libby works like an online library for kids. Children can rent ebooks and audiobooks to read on any mobile device from any library with OverDrive. Check if your school is using OverDrive and use this one of the best educational apps for toddlers and school-going kids.
Most Useful Apps For Older Kids
It’s hard to keep older kids engaged during their free time. All they like is surfing social media apps and playing video games. However, these free apps for kids are a perfect match for entertainment and education.
Does this app need any introduction? It is the official NASA app that allows kids to learn about space and the Universe. This free education app for older kids enables children to learn about NASA’s upcoming missions, listen to the Third Rock Radio, and view pictures of the space.
Smiling Mind is a unique app for older kids. This app offers a pre-set 10-minute meditation session every day. It also helps to calm down kids’ anxieties.
- Children can learn how to deal with their negative emotions and how to handle stress in everyday life.
It is a wonderful 3D Snake VS Block game for kids. As kids make their way through 3D Speaker blocks, they can pick balls to make the biggest snake ever! Parents can also use it as one of the best game apps for toddlers as the game offers 30+ upbeat music.
Although the above-mentioned apps are useful and will help kids spend their time in a productive way, they do have an effect on their screen time.
So if you are a worried parent you can manage your kid’s screen time using a dedicated app like Bit Guardian Parental Control. It is the most reliable screen time control app that monitors kids’ digital lives. Parents can use this app to give their kids safe digital exposure.
These free apps for kids are a great way to keep your children entertained with various learning activities. Use these apps during a lockdown and beyond to give your kid a vibrant personna.