Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all home locked for months. It seems we are fed up with the quarantine phase. Isolation and remote work situations are daunting for everyone. But for kids, this isolation is more stressful, as compared to adults.
To ease out their anxieties they only have parents as their main outlet for social interaction. Parenting during the Coronavirus outbreak is becoming difficult. Across the globe, different psychologists are concerned about kids’ social development during these days.
According to them human interaction and socialization are very important for kids at an early age. And this isolation can adversely affect children.
Why Social Engagement Is Important For Kids?
We are not meant to live alone. Healthy relations and social support from the community are essential to lifelong wellness. All these intercommunications begin in childhood.
Dr. Amy Learmonth, Ph.D., is a developmental psychologist who studied the impacts of social development on kids. The study revealed that kids could suffer emotionally and psychologically due to social distancing. As per the study, the children who are likely to suffer the most are in late childhood and in their adolescence.
Also, the frequent interactions with different people set the stage for various feelings and experiences. Kids learn attachment in relationships. Infants learn bonding, trust, and love with such interaction.
In early childhood, kids learn different emotions and how to express and communicate it with others through such interactions. Frequent social interactions are very much important for teenagers. At this age, they undergo rapid changes and positive friendships help them grow well.
Social Media: The Virtual Social Life
Since kids can not meet their friends in person, they are more active on various social platforms. With the help of Facebook, WhatsApp, and other social media apps kids stay connected to their friends and family. They have a very active virtual social life during the lockdown.
However, these virtual platforms have their darker side too. Fake friends, Cybercrimes, Online predators, Sexting, etc are increasing day by day. Since these web platforms are the only source of social interaction parents can not stop kids from using them.
But for kids’ safe digital exposure globally, proactive parents are using Bit Guardian Parental Control. This app limits, monitors and protects kids’ digital lives. It ensures that kids have safe online exposure.
What Are The Long-Term Effects Of Isolation On Kids?
The lack of socialization can affect kids’ life profoundly. They lost their daily routine (due to school closure), going out to play games, meeting friends, etc. But apart from that, this COVID-19 pandemic punishes children in many hidden ways.
Kids are feeling stressed and depressed. The lack of socialization raises their anxiety and loneliness. So far, we do not have any research on lack of socialization and its impact on kids’ emotional and mental health. This pandemic is a huge void for kids and isolation makes them lonely, helpless and irritated.